Hello, World!

I'm Shibin Judah Paul, I have a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering and also a keen interest in Robotics and AI, in that order. My interest in AI mostly involves Computer Vision and Deep learning. I also love playing around with ML models with transfer learning, NLP models to generate Poetry and performing EDA on Astronomical data (space image data) for fun.

I am passionate about building intelligent systems that can perceive, reason, and act in complex environments. I believe that the fusion of these cutting-edge technologies has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us and empower Humanity.

Key Skills

  • Machine Learning: Transfer Learning, Time Series Forecasting, NLP, Data Science, Deep Learning, Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, and Regression.
  • Computer Vision: Image Processing, Object Detection, Optical Flow, Stereo Vision, Segmentation, Tracking and Recognition.
  • Robotics: Prototyping, PCB design, Microcontrollers and Embedded systems, Robot Perception, Planning, Control, Navigation and Manipulation.
  • Programming Languages: Python, C++, Embedded C, MATLAB and Javascript.
  • Tools and Frameworks: TensorFlow, OpenCV, NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib, SciKit-Learn, ROS, Arduino & Raspberry Pi.
  • Other skills: Full Stack Development, Amazon AWS, Google GCP Git, SQL & JIRA

Top Repositories

Computer Vision

Tags: Image processing and manipulation, Video Stabilization, Object detection and Segmentation, and Contour Detection.

Machine Learning

Tags: CNNs, DNNs, Transfer learning using VGG16, EfficientNet and MobileNet V2 and A model comparision guide.

Natural Language Processing

Tags: Embeddings, RNNs, Bi-directional LSTMs, Multi-label classification, Webscraping, OCR, and Text Generation

EDA + ML model on Astronomical Data

Tags: CNNs, CLAHE, Image Stacking, SATO, Meijering, Roberts' Cross, Förstner filter, Spectrograms and Spectroscopy

Get In Touch

Thank you for visiting my portfolio! If you are interested in working with me, please send me an email or connect with me on LinkedIn. I am available Monday - Friday, 10 AM - 5 PM IST. Let's make something great!

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    Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • shibinjudahpaul